"In a serious world filled with trials and uncertainty,

Tom Newberry is the founder and head coach of the 1% Club, an organization dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and their families maximize their full potential.
There is always Joy

when was the last time someone challenged you to discover genuine Joy?"
imagine this joy smile without fuzzies
"Finally, "girlfriends" whatever things are TRUE,
whatever things are NOBLE,
whatever things are JUST,
whatever things are PURE,
whatever things are LOVELY,
whatever things are of GOOD REPORT,
if there is any VIRTUE,
meditate on these things. "
meditate on these things. "
There are so many "WORDS" in the world of which I can listen to and absorb. In doing so, I choose what "WORDS" become a part of the life I'm living. How do you choose which words to believe in and live by? First and foremost I am choosing to live my life by absorbing the Word of God. I want to live according to its truth.
About 3 years ago I was leading a ladies sunday school class, known as WOW, (Women of the WORD). I love that little achronym because the WORD is the Word of God and it really can WOW your socks off if you choose to let it !
We were intrigued by the title of this book and decided to see what more could be said about Phillipians 4:8. We were wanting not just some more Joy but to be Joy -FILLED.
The little sub-title is ..."The secret to a JOY -FILLED Life."
You Know women.... We love to know the secret to anything!!

Tom Newberry is the founder and head coach of the 1% Club, an organization dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and their families maximize their full potential.
Some days here are wonderful; filled with the love of family and grandchildren and productive. Other days lack a bit of direction and purpose and quite frankly are Joy lacking.
I started this blog because I thought it would be something fun to do. My children thought it was "crazy" that I had created a blog and maybe it was a bit of a crazy thing to start. Do I really need another "something to do " in my life? As you can see I haven't been very faithful in posting. Mostly because this is new and I'm having trouble getting in the blogging groove.
Life is very everyday here. Not too much exciting stuff happening here, mostly just me being a wife, a mom and a grandma. I have to remember that I am not doing this blog to impress you but if I can I want to bless you. So sweet little blog I need your help.
My life has Minutes of JOY ........
Grand children who love to spend time at Nanny and Opa's house.
It is a JOY to find opportunities to plant the word of God in their hearts.
There is always Joy
We are blessed with another little granddaughter in May and she is bringing a lot of sweetness and Joy to our life when she smiles and giggles with us. I wish God would have given me grandchildren first. I would have been a better parent.
Addilyn Grace's First Christmas
There is JOY in traditions.....
Children telling the Christmas Story It NEVER gets old.
Here we are Watching my Granddaughter Emerson,(wearing the green striped dress) loving every minute of her very first sharing of Christmas Story at her Christmas program,
Because there is Joy in it!
There is the simple Joy... watching grandchildren grow without all the responsibility of a parent .
How in the world can Emerson possibly be big enough to be having her first dance performance
as long as we are all being nice.
(don't be fooled we are just like every other family in america.... we have our moments when we should have stayed in bed for the day!) Girls will be Girls!
I am wanting minutes of Joy to turn into Hours and Days of joy! I am wanting to be Joy -FILLED
So little Miss Girlfriend Gap you are now on duty. In this paper free zone this is what the scoop is.....
Here in this space on Wednesdays, I will be spending some more time pondering the thoughts in this Book "The 4:8 Principle". I have learned some things on Joy but I need to revisit the book and dig a little deeper so that my JOY light can shine a little brighter.
Until next time....THINK about whatever things are TRUE!
Thanks for stopping by. May your day be blessed with JOY!