
Blessed by everyday blessings

these are a few of my favorite things

~smiling faces~

~hugs and kisses from grandchildren
and hearing the name Nanny from far away places~

~mostly old sometimes new~

~quilts with love stitched through and through

~Babies and butterflys and all things created~

~To know you are loved makes life sweet with grace traces ~


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mama Said Sew

Some things  amaze me....  one of those things is how quickly weeks and months fly by.    Goodness!

Life has been busy....  It is a steady rhythm everyday of things that need to be done.   I have been working.... taking care of grandchildren...  enjoying grandchildren growing up... Dance recitals, ball games...  and in-between trying to focus on matters of the home front that have been neglected for a while.  I have a new strategy for life this year.... Instead choosing one word I have chosen three...

LIVE WITH LESS.    Less Mess... Less things that don't bring joy to my life....  Less things to manage.... Less projects undone.... Less unhealthy food... Less extra weight....You get the idea.

I have parted ways with a few things.... HURRAY!

I have rearranged my dinning room so we can all fit around the table without feeling like sardines....JOY, JOY, JOY.   Everyone is coming for supper on Mother's day.... can't wait to try it out.

I have lost some extra weight....Now that is a Great big Hurray!  I went on a green smoothie cleanse for one week with my daughter....  Interesting.....  But so good for me.  
And can I just say that eating Pink Grapefruit like you would eat an orange has done me  so much good.  I have been eating them since January and I think that is what finally helped me get off the weight plateau that I have been at for years. I have been doing more walking because of work.... but rest assured sweating workouts have not been a part of my days.  Go figure.  So thankful since I hate to workout.  

On the home front I have divided the house up so that each day of the week has a certain room to focus on.  So what ever day it is,  that room gets a little extra attention to clear the clutter or focus on a project for that room.  Then I spend a hour or two focusing on that room's task.   I wouldn't give myself an A+ for effort (hard to teach an old dog new tricks)  as I haven't followed through everyday but I can say it has made me a little more accountable and a little more intentional with my days.  We'll see how much progress I make through the year.  I've been known to start with a lot of gusto and then fizzle soon after.  I love clean but I hate to clean.  Anybody get that???

So that's my itty bitty life story....  now here is what I have been working on in the sewing room.

My "Mama Said Sew" quilt.  Fabric designed by Sweetwater.
Made using a layer cake plus a little extra yardage.
 Started in 2014.....  It is time to finish!
Ideas for this quilt began here.

Fun quilt blocks in each corner...
Churn dash block .... Favorite 

I have been pondering what this block needs.
 I don't know that it has a name. I just made it up.

I can be so indecisive at times...
Finally took the plunge and decided
to appliqué a heart in the center of this block
reflecting my love for gingham. 

Broken dishes or pinwheels.... Love

Flying dutchman ... or Dutchman's Puzzle ???
Always wish I were a little more Dutch in the month of May.

I made some pieced stars using leftover HSTs from the front corner blocks.

  These stars with be part of the backing.

Using the selvage  edge  : ) brings JOY! 

And that my friends is the End of my story....
Well besides a lot of dreaming about all the quilts I want to make someday...

Busy or not I must always squeeze in a little sewing time.
I had hoped to finish this quilt in April.
Sad that it is still not finished but
Finding Joy in Moving it Forward...  

 Less Guilt...More Joy in the Journey.

May your May days be Happy days. 




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