Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
it's SEW finished!
I've had the pattern for a long while
and now I am so glad
this little bit of sweet is

and now I am so glad
this little bit of sweet is

sweet embraceable
and for someone who is a lot German and a little bit Dutch
it puts the sweet back in life.
If you are my family by birth or by choice this is my prayer for you
memorial day it is for remembering those we love
sending blessings your way
thanks for stopping by
sew finished 2011
stitching up some love
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
junk or JOY! It's MY choice.
If I were going to pick my favorite kind of day I would not pick a rainy day. Rainy days are dreary days for me . They make me tired, unmotivated and I feel like my blood runs thick. I just don't have the get up and go on those days. I find it puzzling how some people can love rainy days. My husband loves rainy days.
But when life sent me rain on Monday, my brain and I decided to turn it into a blessing. Emerson was at our house for the afternoon and though she wasn't begging to go out in the rain she had spied an umbrella hanging up in the closet last week and was itching to make use of it. So While supper was finishing the final stage in the oven and it was wet and rainy outside, I knew sunshine was just around the corner...
Emerson and I did the best thing i know to do in the rain....(when you are not worried about getting wet)
let us rejoice and be glad in it". Psalm 118: 24
..... no matter what the circumstances of the day.....
I believe God promises, Nothing shall be wasted.
This measuring stick helps me to stay focused
on the character of God rain or shine.
So here is the stick i use to measure my days...
But when life sent me rain on Monday, my brain and I decided to turn it into a blessing. Emerson was at our house for the afternoon and though she wasn't begging to go out in the rain she had spied an umbrella hanging up in the closet last week and was itching to make use of it. So While supper was finishing the final stage in the oven and it was wet and rainy outside, I knew sunshine was just around the corner...
Emerson and I did the best thing i know to do in the rain....(when you are not worried about getting wet)
WALK IN IT with a bright pink umbrella.
There was not a puddle untouched.
Life is kind of like the rain and the pink umbrella....
"People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln
Today it is over cast again, and my sunshine Emerson is not here. There is a lot that is not right with the world. I think about all of those who have been hit by the devastating tornados of the midwest.
Despite the weather or circumstances of the day I have the ability to choose what I want to think about.
There will always be something 'good' and 'bad' in every day.
on most days my thinking needs a measuring stick in order to get the most out of any day. My parents, having grown up in the depression,
have passed on to me...
nothing should be wasted especially food.
God, the giver of food, also gives us this day,
This is the day that the Lord has made,
let us rejoice and be glad in it". Psalm 118: 24
..... no matter what the circumstances of the day.....
I believe God promises, Nothing shall be wasted.
This measuring stick helps me to stay focused
on the character of God rain or shine.
So here is the stick i use to measure my days...
"Finally "Girlfriends" ,
whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue ,
and if there be any praise,
think on these things."
Phillipians 4 :8
thinking about these things helps me to get the most out of my day.
a rainy day turns into a pure and joyful day!
rainy days and relationships
they make a good pair
"When you focus on the good, you not only notice more good but you actually create more good."
Tommy Newberry
Fifteen minutes of walking in the rain produced a picture to treasure
and a memory with her nanny that will last a lifetime as we find ways to have fun together.
RAINdrops from heaven..... say," it's good" with me.
working my way through this book
(the journey started here)
and getting rid of the junk in my trunk and seeking joy!
may you find and multiply
whatsoever you are looking for today
and may your whatsoever bring joy.
Just one BABY STEP to work on this week:
Listen to my self talk this week and file it in the junk or joy category.
Junk I get rid of ..... Joy I keep.
"songs of JOY and victory are sung in the camp of the godly." Psalm 118: 15
baby steps
seeking JOY
walking in the WORD Wednesday
Monday, May 16, 2011
simple pleasures
are the best treasures
little dutch girl
little dutch girl with tulips
smiling girl
smiling girl with tulips
baby in a bath
baby on a bed
little feet
pampered feet
strawberries in a bowl
strawberries on a quilt
cookie cutouts with a rolling pin
cutout cookies with kitty
butterfly blankets
butterfly blanket on a bed
FRESH from the oven
grandma's rhubarb
grandma's rhubarb pie
a sea of purple
sipping sweet nectar on Sunday in a sea of purple!
Have a wonderful week hope its filled with
simple pleasures
I think this would make a cute book what do you think?
Sunday, May 15, 2011
P is for pick a project and SEW !
I am taking time to create because time has a tendency to take me. I find it very satisfying to have something homemade by me in my home. I have been sewing since I was a young girl.
I have more ideas for quilts than I will be able to finish in a life time but my goal this year is just to be a steady Eddie for 2011 and finish some things. I would love to be cranking out a quilt every couple of weeks but that doesn't seem to be the way it works here. I guess it doesn't matter how fast or slow I am, when it's done you'll feel the love in it and that is the most important thing. So bit by bit my love pile is growing.
Every week I have been Identifying a project that needs to be worked on and when I'd rather be jumping on to the next project or seem stuck I ask myself each day..."What's the next step?" and I do it. Sometimes that step takes 15 minutes some times it takes all day but the thought process seems to be working. An object in motion will stay in motion so they say so I'm turning myself into a stick to it Sally instead of nothing finished Nanny. Not a mighty goal but a goal none the less is to finish 12 sewing projects this year. One thing is for sure I love me some HOME MADE goodness so dust be still I'll have time for you when I'm 80!
meet my latest project of the week #2
My daughter have received some receiving blankets when Emmy was born that she really didn't care for. I decided to cut them up and put them all back together into a more useable quilt. I'll never understand the purpose of a receiving blanket at 27" for a real baby. Babies grow way to fast for a blanket that size.
This quilt is made with flannel and knit with a fleece back. something we didn't love is now something we love.
This is my first attempt at a pieced back because I didn't buy enough fleece. I think I love it even more with the pieced back I designed with the Sweet little pinwheel.
"Praise the Lord,
Praise God my savior.
For each day
he carries me
in his arms."
Psalm 68:19
is embroidered
by hand on the back.
Emmy( granddaughter) is in my preschool sunday school class and we have been working on memory verses each week. When I asked her if she liked my quilt she said," I think it need some words on it" and then she spealed out the memory verse we had been working on and pointed to where she thought each word should go. I smiled at the thought and put some words on my quilt. It adds some extra love that babies need. Thank you Emmy! Now the name of my quilt includes the word "blessing".
I haven't decided who will be receiving this delight but when it's cold outside it will be oh so snuggly. It has warm and natural batting inside in addition to the fleece.
Here is my sweet little "BABY BEAR BLESSING"
this quilt was inspired and modified in design from a pattern found here
I think I am happiest if I find time to be expressing my creativity and that is just not a zip-zap done deal. It takes time to be creative...... and I"M TAKING TIME :o).
sneek peek of Project of the week #3
SEW until next time be's good for the soul!
thanks for stopping by!
Janita ( aka nannyjsewsweet )
I have more ideas for quilts than I will be able to finish in a life time but my goal this year is just to be a steady Eddie for 2011 and finish some things. I would love to be cranking out a quilt every couple of weeks but that doesn't seem to be the way it works here. I guess it doesn't matter how fast or slow I am, when it's done you'll feel the love in it and that is the most important thing. So bit by bit my love pile is growing.
Every week I have been Identifying a project that needs to be worked on and when I'd rather be jumping on to the next project or seem stuck I ask myself each day..."What's the next step?" and I do it. Sometimes that step takes 15 minutes some times it takes all day but the thought process seems to be working. An object in motion will stay in motion so they say so I'm turning myself into a stick to it Sally instead of nothing finished Nanny. Not a mighty goal but a goal none the less is to finish 12 sewing projects this year. One thing is for sure I love me some HOME MADE goodness so dust be still I'll have time for you when I'm 80!
meet my latest project of the week #2
My daughter have received some receiving blankets when Emmy was born that she really didn't care for. I decided to cut them up and put them all back together into a more useable quilt. I'll never understand the purpose of a receiving blanket at 27" for a real baby. Babies grow way to fast for a blanket that size.
This quilt is made with flannel and knit with a fleece back. something we didn't love is now something we love.
This is my first attempt at a pieced back because I didn't buy enough fleece. I think I love it even more with the pieced back I designed with the Sweet little pinwheel.
"Praise the Lord,
Praise God my savior.
For each day
he carries me
in his arms."
Psalm 68:19
is embroidered
by hand on the back.
Emmy( granddaughter) is in my preschool sunday school class and we have been working on memory verses each week. When I asked her if she liked my quilt she said," I think it need some words on it" and then she spealed out the memory verse we had been working on and pointed to where she thought each word should go. I smiled at the thought and put some words on my quilt. It adds some extra love that babies need. Thank you Emmy! Now the name of my quilt includes the word "blessing".
I haven't decided who will be receiving this delight but when it's cold outside it will be oh so snuggly. It has warm and natural batting inside in addition to the fleece.
Here is my sweet little "BABY BEAR BLESSING"
this quilt was inspired and modified in design from a pattern found here
I think I am happiest if I find time to be expressing my creativity and that is just not a zip-zap done deal. It takes time to be creative...... and I"M TAKING TIME :o).
sneek peek of Project of the week #3
SEW until next time be's good for the soul!
thanks for stopping by!
Janita ( aka nannyjsewsweet )
2011 quilts
sew finished 2011
stitching up some love
Thursday, May 5, 2011
FAITH brings JOY/ ONE chapter for ONE week
This is a learning to walk with joy personal progress report from this post found here. Warning contains God's word which has the power to change lives :) Here is a Summary if you want the short version.... Focusing on the character of God....mental exercise and a can do list..... ALL WORTH IT! Yes there has been a spoonful of Joy maybe even a cupful or more of joy added to my week because of these BABY STEPS.
The pictures are to keep you entertained if you think you might be interested in the progress because who doesn't love a pretty baby who has just turned ONE! She is a very sweet JOY!
BABY STEP #1 Focusing on God is My SHIELD. I went to the back of my Bible and looked up every verse that had reference to the word Shield. When I needed to feel like I had some protection against life's woes I had God's word to lift me to a place that is better than worry. And when I found the word shield was also in the same breath as joy now that puts the twinkle back in a girl's eye.
I Love this verse.
"The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me and my heart is filled with Joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving." Psalm 28:7
I have had this verse, just the middle two sentences on a chalk board in my dining room for months. Now that I have gone back and read the Whole verse it has a whole new impact. I stand a little taller because I am standing in the strength of God not my strength to make it all work out.
And this one,
"You are my refuge and my shield; your word is my source of hope." Psalm 119:114
I have this written in my Bible from "The Joy of my Heart" by Anne Graham Lotz "Your word has given me life." Psalm 119: 50 NKJV If you are depressed by the greatness of your problems, read God's word! That's where you find help. That's where you find joy. Let the rushing waters of the living word drown out all other sounds and voices. There is life- giving power in the word of God. At the most difficult times in my life- God's word has sustained me. There have been times when I have only been capable of reading a few verses at a time, yet the supernatural life-giving power of the word of God has not only helped me maintain my emotional and mental balance, it has given me strength to go on, even if only one day at a time."
you can receive anne's free Joy of my heart devotional here
I think my prayers had a little more ump to them because when I thought about and read the scriptures related to God is my shield I prayed for the need at hand with the power of God's word. I thought about the definition for joy specifically that it means exult . Today, because I believe what jesus did for me , this version of Romans 5 uses the word exult, I need to remember, no matter what my circumstances are God is in the business of triumph and thinking about this lifts me to a place that brings joy because he is a shield to me until I get to that point of victory. I love the thought that he can use me and my circumstances and I can confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing his glory through it all.
Baby Step#2.... slowing life down to read and focus on ONE Chapter of scripture for ONE week does make you think a little deeper and brings just a different sense of perspective to the day. And when life just keeps clicking along at a steady pace without much to show for God that would be a very good thing. I chose Romans 5 and was able to read each day from a different version at the Bible gateway link. The subtitle here....."Faith brings JOY". True joy will not be found anywhere else. So I am Keeping the pedal to the metal on this drive through life because i want the real thing. Some times faith is hard but this reminds me to be faithful. Some days are for growing me pure and simple.
I was able to memorize 5 verses Romans 5: 1-5. I love the New Living Translation Bible because it speaks to me in words that I get. so here it goes straight from memory :)...
1 "Therefore since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.
2 Because of our faith Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved priviledge where we now stand and we can confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory.
3 And we can rejoice when we run into problems and trials for we know that they help us to develop endurance,
4 and endurance leads to strength of character and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.
5 and this hope will not lead to disappointment for we know how much God loves us because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love."
It is not a praise that I am so good at memorizing but a WOO-HOO praise to God because He has done so much for me and I know he loves it that I would actually think that His word is worthy to be memorized and I took the time out of my day to make that a priority. When my head hit the pillow at night, I rehearsed the verse I was memorizing for the day and if I couldn't sleep at night HIS WORDS were the ones that I chose to focus on. Thank you Lord for helping the words to stick to my bones.
And My list of Can do things BABY STEPS #3.... Since i'm not really a list maker person I think I did pretty well on one day. I got a lot done!
Make potato salad
Pick a paint color for the bedroom
clean out another part of my flower bed
I can think about God's love for me
I can take a walk
I can worship while I clean
Iron shirts for next week
Finish angel pillow
return clothes to the store
Read Romans 5 everyday
Spend 1 hour organizing my sewing room
Go to lunch with a friend
clean out husbands car
take some pictures
"Research indicates that the average person thinks approximately fifty thousand thoughts per day. This is either good or bad news because every thought moves you either toward your God-given potential or away from it. No thoughts are neutral." Tommy Newberry " The 4:8 Principle -The secret to a Joy-Filled Life"
If you made it all the way here, I hope you were in some way blessed and encouraged to take baby steps to find more joy in your life.
Seeking joy,
Thanks for stopping by
The pictures are to keep you entertained if you think you might be interested in the progress because who doesn't love a pretty baby who has just turned ONE! She is a very sweet JOY!
BABY STEP #1 Focusing on God is My SHIELD. I went to the back of my Bible and looked up every verse that had reference to the word Shield. When I needed to feel like I had some protection against life's woes I had God's word to lift me to a place that is better than worry. And when I found the word shield was also in the same breath as joy now that puts the twinkle back in a girl's eye.
I Love this verse.
"The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me and my heart is filled with Joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving." Psalm 28:7
I have had this verse, just the middle two sentences on a chalk board in my dining room for months. Now that I have gone back and read the Whole verse it has a whole new impact. I stand a little taller because I am standing in the strength of God not my strength to make it all work out.
And this one,
"You are my refuge and my shield; your word is my source of hope." Psalm 119:114
I have this written in my Bible from "The Joy of my Heart" by Anne Graham Lotz "Your word has given me life." Psalm 119: 50 NKJV If you are depressed by the greatness of your problems, read God's word! That's where you find help. That's where you find joy. Let the rushing waters of the living word drown out all other sounds and voices. There is life- giving power in the word of God. At the most difficult times in my life- God's word has sustained me. There have been times when I have only been capable of reading a few verses at a time, yet the supernatural life-giving power of the word of God has not only helped me maintain my emotional and mental balance, it has given me strength to go on, even if only one day at a time."
you can receive anne's free Joy of my heart devotional here
I think my prayers had a little more ump to them because when I thought about and read the scriptures related to God is my shield I prayed for the need at hand with the power of God's word. I thought about the definition for joy specifically that it means exult . Today, because I believe what jesus did for me , this version of Romans 5 uses the word exult, I need to remember, no matter what my circumstances are God is in the business of triumph and thinking about this lifts me to a place that brings joy because he is a shield to me until I get to that point of victory. I love the thought that he can use me and my circumstances and I can confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing his glory through it all.
Baby Step#2.... slowing life down to read and focus on ONE Chapter of scripture for ONE week does make you think a little deeper and brings just a different sense of perspective to the day. And when life just keeps clicking along at a steady pace without much to show for God that would be a very good thing. I chose Romans 5 and was able to read each day from a different version at the Bible gateway link. The subtitle here....."Faith brings JOY". True joy will not be found anywhere else. So I am Keeping the pedal to the metal on this drive through life because i want the real thing. Some times faith is hard but this reminds me to be faithful. Some days are for growing me pure and simple.
I was able to memorize 5 verses Romans 5: 1-5. I love the New Living Translation Bible because it speaks to me in words that I get. so here it goes straight from memory :)...
1 "Therefore since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.
2 Because of our faith Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved priviledge where we now stand and we can confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's glory.
3 And we can rejoice when we run into problems and trials for we know that they help us to develop endurance,
4 and endurance leads to strength of character and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.
5 and this hope will not lead to disappointment for we know how much God loves us because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love."
It is not a praise that I am so good at memorizing but a WOO-HOO praise to God because He has done so much for me and I know he loves it that I would actually think that His word is worthy to be memorized and I took the time out of my day to make that a priority. When my head hit the pillow at night, I rehearsed the verse I was memorizing for the day and if I couldn't sleep at night HIS WORDS were the ones that I chose to focus on. Thank you Lord for helping the words to stick to my bones.
little miss Addilyn Grace-every where she walks she spreads JOY-
And My list of Can do things BABY STEPS #3.... Since i'm not really a list maker person I think I did pretty well on one day. I got a lot done!
Pick a paint color for the bedroom
clean out another part of my flower bed
I can take a walk
Finish angel pillow
Spend 1 hour organizing my sewing room
"Research indicates that the average person thinks approximately fifty thousand thoughts per day. This is either good or bad news because every thought moves you either toward your God-given potential or away from it. No thoughts are neutral." Tommy Newberry " The 4:8 Principle -The secret to a Joy-Filled Life"
If you made it all the way here, I hope you were in some way blessed and encouraged to take baby steps to find more joy in your life.
Seeking joy,
Thanks for stopping by
baby steps
seeking JOY
walking in the WORD Wednesday
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Clearly I can remember the HOURS spent praying for you to arrive safely like it was yesterday. And about this time last year we were headed to the hospital to see your precious face. Now Today you are ONE year old. Happy Birthday my sweet little pumpkin pie. You are a Sweet treasure. We love you so much.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139: 13-14
"Our love for you started even before you were born. We are so thankful God has given you to us.
Love, Nanny
you are an expression of God's grace.
linking to Beach Cottage good life Wednesdays
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