If I were going to pick my favorite kind of day I would not pick a rainy day. Rainy days are dreary days for me . They make me tired, unmotivated and I feel like my blood runs thick. I just don't have the get up and go on those days. I find it puzzling how some people can love rainy days. My husband loves rainy days.
But when life sent me rain on Monday, my brain and I decided to turn it into a blessing. Emerson was at our house for the afternoon and though she wasn't begging to go out in the rain she had spied an umbrella hanging up in the closet last week and was itching to make use of it. So While supper was finishing the final stage in the oven and it was wet and rainy outside, I knew sunshine was just around the corner...
Emerson and I did the best thing i know to do in the rain....(when you are not worried about getting wet)
WALK IN IT with a bright pink umbrella.
There was not a puddle untouched.
Life is kind of like the rain and the pink umbrella....
"People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be." Abraham Lincoln
Today it is over cast again, and my sunshine Emerson is not here. There is a lot that is not right with the world. I think about all of those who have been hit by the devastating tornados of the midwest.
Despite the weather or circumstances of the day I have the ability to choose what I want to think about.
There will always be something 'good' and 'bad' in every day.
on most days my thinking needs a measuring stick in order to get the most out of any day. My parents, having grown up in the depression,
have passed on to me...
nothing should be wasted especially food.
God, the giver of food, also gives us this day,
This is the day that the Lord has made,
let us rejoice and be glad in it". Psalm 118: 24
..... no matter what the circumstances of the day.....
I believe God promises, Nothing shall be wasted.
This measuring stick helps me to stay focused
on the character of God rain or shine.
So here is the stick i use to measure my days...
"Finally "Girlfriends" ,
whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just,
whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue ,
and if there be any praise,
think on these things."
Phillipians 4 :8
thinking about these things helps me to get the most out of my day.
a rainy day turns into a pure and joyful day!
rainy days and relationships
they make a good pair
"When you focus on the good, you not only notice more good but you actually create more good."
Tommy Newberry
Fifteen minutes of walking in the rain produced a picture to treasure
and a memory with her nanny that will last a lifetime as we find ways to have fun together.
RAINdrops from heaven..... say," it's good" with me.
working my way through this book
(the journey started
and getting rid of the junk in my trunk and seeking joy!
may you find and multiply
whatsoever you are looking for today
and may your whatsoever bring joy.
Just one BABY STEP to work on this week:
Listen to my self talk this week and file it in the junk or joy category.
Junk I get rid of ..... Joy I keep.
"songs of JOY and victory are sung in the camp of the godly." Psalm 118: 15